Monday, April 22, 2013

Some thing for hair

It's all about getting know your hair. Just like your skin, it requires attention and care. As we all have different kinds of hair, it's important to get to know your hair as an individual. It's always good to experiment with various shampoos/conditioners, never to get stuck to one because there are so many options that are out there! Getting sleek, smooth and shiny hair means EATING the right things to begin with. Hair needs vitamins and proteins, which provide it with nutrients that automatically make a huge difference to the hair's sheen and texture. Rinsing with cold water after washing is actually a myth, as are many of the tips for hair that we're told. As it is for skin, washing your hair daily is actually pretty bad for it. This means you're washing away all the nutrients and minerals that your hair needs to produce for its own health. Recently an article was published saying that most of the shampoos out there don't actually provide our hair with the nutrients they claim to, simply because the molecules are too large to be absorbed into the roots of our hair. It's best to watch what you're eating, read up on what foods are best to eat for healthy hair. Drenching your hair with chemicals makes it shine temporarily, truly healthy hair should be nourished through a healthy diet, not chemicals. If you are interested in organic products, there are some products by Avalon Organics, which do not use parabens or anything artificial in their hair products. 
The most important thing to remember is never to expose the hair to dramatic change too often. Blow-drying, straightening/curling, perms, dying: these are all harmful to the hair. Try to minimize the amount of times you treat your hair with heat or chemicals, because over time this really will destroy it. Vitamin E and Panthenol (Vitamin B5) which moisturises are things that you should look for in your shampoo and conditioner.

to keep your hair healthy and shiny all i can say is:
DON'T wash it everyday; this removes the natural oils in your hair making your hair look dry at times so wash it every other day or every two days.
use shampoo on all your hair from root to tip and conditioner on most of your hair except the roots
try not to hairdryers and irons/hair straighteners/curlers because the heat damages your hair
if you do use them use a heat protectant spray on your hair before using the irons/hairdryers etc.
don't use hairsprays;gel;mousse;and other similar products or products that make your hair greasy or oily that doesn't help your hair at all and weighs it down.
and that's about it.(:
hope I helped.


Pay close attention to the ingredients on your shampoo, and avoid those that contain alcohol as a main component. The alcohol dries out the hair strand, making it more susceptible to breakage.

Take a daily dosage of Omega-3 oils. The taste is not terribly agreeable but the benefits it offers your hair, skin and nails are quickly evident and amazing. Give it a try; buy a small bottle from your local health food store or grocer and stick with it for one week. You will notice your hair is softer and less brittle by the end of that 7 days.

Your hair grows about 1/2 inch each month, and the strength of the cells which make up those new hair strands is a direct result of the nutrients you are putting into your body. Drink lots of water and eat your fruits and vegetables. A clean diet and proper hydration is crucial to healthy, shiny hair.

Get haircuts approximately every 6 weeks. This keeps split ends at a minimum and your hair looking fresh and healthy.

Skip a wash, when you can. Washing hair less often lets it reap the benefits of its own natural oils.

Use a conditioner on your hair, but only on the ends. The ends of your hair tend to be the driest because they are furthest away from your scalp, where nourishing oils are distributed. Conditioning at just the ends also keeps the roots of your hair from being weighed down, allowing you to keep a nice balance of movement and body.

Find a shampoo and conditioner that works for you. If you have to, spend the extra couple of dollars for a hair care product that gives you the results you are looking for.

Take a break from the styling tools; curling irons, ceramic straighteners, and blow dryers. All of these heat styling tools can cause hair damage and leave you with a frizzed, stressed mane.

I've read that one of the best ways is not to use product at all, just water. Over a number of weeks, your hair would naturally be greasy and not very pleasant, but eventually your body will be able to rebuild the natural oils that protect our hair (that shampoos etc strip). Think about it- how would we have had healthy hair in the wild?

I got this from an article about a woman who did this, but managed to achieve magnificent shiny, healthy hair and now only washes with water. She had to wear a hat a lot during the process to cover her greasy hair!

I wouldn't try this myself, and most socially minded people probably would not try this in a hurry :P

When you shampoo your hair, you should use a shampoo for your specific type of hair. For example, there are people with oily hair, dry hair, normal hair or dandruff hair. If you have permed or color-treated hair, you should use a shampoo specific for chemically-treated hair. Avoid using hair products contain alcohol as it will make your hair very dry and dull. If you are not sure what your hair type is or what type of shampoo to use, ask your hairdresser. Your hairdresser can recommend a specific shampoo and conditioner to keep your hair healthy and shiny.

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